During his lifetime, everyone comes into touch with chess, without showing any interest in chess himself. Chess terms can be found in everyday language, in the press and in literature. The media report about chess tournaments and championships all over the world. In museums chess games are presented as impressive masterpieces and treasures. In the picture galleries one encounters pictures with chess motives. Chess, the game of kings, is omnipresent. Scientists have been researching chess for decades and use chess for their research purposes.
The website does not report on chess, but rather aims to focus on the other aspects of chess such as science, education and art.
Schach und Wissenschaft
Échecs et Sciences
Шахматы и Наука
Schach in Schule und Kindergarten
Les échecs à l'École et au Jardin d'Enfants
Шахматы в Школе и Детском Саду
Schach und Sprache
Échecs et Langues
Шахматы и Язык
Schach - Gesundheit und Therapie
Échecs - Santé et Thérapie
Шахматы - Здоровье и Терапия